Thursday, November 24, 2011

Onion Rings

Selalu makan onion rings kt fastfood restaurant, and my daughter really loved it! Then, I made it for her, even though the taste not good as outside, tapi habis jugak sepinggan hehehehehe....

Serving : 2-3 persons


1) 2 cawan tepung (all-purpose flour)
2) 1 cawan tepung jagung
3) sedikit lada sulah
4) 1 cawan air
5)  2-3 cups bread crumb
6) vegetable oil - for frying.
7) Bawang besar (yellow onion)

1) Gaulkan tepung (all-purpose flour) , tepung jagung, lada & air..jadi kan as "batter" , put aside.
2) Tuangkan bread crumbs dalam satu bekas, ketepikan.
3) Kupas bawang , potongkan 3- 4inchi
4) Celupkan bawang ke dalam adunan "batter" tadi, kemudian celupkan ke dalam bread crumbs..pastikan semua bahagian di litupi oleh berad crumbs.
5) Buat satu per satu sampai habis.
6) Panaskan minyak, and goreng ..selama 2-3 min, kalu dah golden brown tuh, dah masak la kan..
7) Toskan minyak and ready to be served....oopps...tawar ker??

***Tabur kan dengan sedikit garam (fine salt) sebelum di hidang...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Roti Gulung Bersosej

As I opened the fridge, I saw a a few sausages,eggs, and shredded mozzarella cheese, at the corner of the dining table, there's  a loaf of white bread. Something that came cross my mind was...a combination taste of white bread, sausage and melted cheese. emmm...macam sedap kan...

Total of serving : 2 persons (me and my hubby jer)

 -  2 cups of multi purpose flour
-  1 cups of cooking oils
-  2 eggs (beaten) with a pinch of salt
-  1 white egg
-  2 tbsp mozzarella cheese
-  4pcs of white breads
-  4 pcs sliced cheddar cheese

1)  Pukul telor & mozzarella cheese & a pinch of salt , whisk in slow motion. Stop bila dah sebati, jgn pukul sampai kembang
2)  Ambil sekeping white bread, then nipiskan dengan roller pin, letak sliced cheddar cheese, gulung kan. At the end of the bread, sapukan putih telor. (Ulang sampai habis)
3)  Celupkan roti yang telah di gulungkan ke dalam, telur yg tlah di pukul bersama mozzarella cheese tadi.
    Salutkan dengan tepung ,put aside. Buat sampai habis roti tadi.
4) Panaskan minyak, pastu goreng satu persatu, sampai kekuningan. Tos kan minyak, pastu boleh makan.

 *** Time panas-panas tuh, boleh potong kan sket,, u can see the melted cheddar cheese.***
***Bila makan, u can taste the mozzarella cheese**

***Siap menu tok Tea Time ** +______+