Sunday, January 29, 2012

Salad Mangga Thailand

Tak tau ape nak masak, then, korek-korek dalam peti sejukz ade 2 biji mangga thailand and tomatoes. Mangga tu pon muda lagi..tak susah pon nk buat..

2 biji Mangga Thailand muda
2 biji tomato
1 biji Yellow onion (bawang besar)
5 biji cili padi
Lada hitam,garam,gula secukup nya.
EVO (extra virgin oil)

Cara membuatnya:
1) Kupas kulit mangga, cincang. Nak guna grater pon boleh.
2) Diced the tomatoes. 3) Hiris halus bawang besar & Chilli.
4) Mixed all ingredients into a salad bowl, masukkan EVO & lada  hitam, perasakan dengan gula & garam,.

**Dah siap, bole di makan dengan nasi, I preferred to eat them solely.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Garlic Spread

Saje jer nk post resepi, sebab takut lupa. I got this recipe from Chuck's Day Off on AFC channel.
Before I forgot those ingredient, I'd better posted it I smart? *gigling**

-Half salted butter
-3 cloves of garlic
-small bunch of chives

-Make sure the butter is kept in room temperature.
- Cut the chives into small well as the garlic.
-Throw all ingredient into the butter, mix them all
- Then, it ready to serve.

***I have not try this recipe yet, soon..I will make it for myself***